Monday Recommended Reading
Blatantly copying Stygius, I think I will also post a recommended reading list for my four or five regular readers.
- LA Times - A Central Pillar of Iraq Policy Crumbling: Senior U.S. officials have begun to question a key presumption of American strategy in Iraq: that establishing democracy there can erode and ultimately eradicate the insurgency gripping the country.
- ACA - U.S.-Indian Nuclear Prospects Murky: "France, Russia, and the United Kingdom have all indicated they will welcome the U.S. initiative. Moscow, which has previously shipped nuclear fuel to India in defiance of the NSG, and Paris are particularly eager to do business with India. But Washington has to win over more than just these three states because the NSG operates by consensus."
- Zenpundit - A VISION OF A FUTURE WORTH CREATING: REVIEWING BLUEPRINT FOR ACTION: "is a tour de force demonstrating the interconnections of the strategic challenges facing the United States. It is analytical, bold and at the end, Blogging the Future", highly speculative. In BFA you will find references to other thinkers from Ralph Peters to Robert Wright to Robert Kaplan to van Creveld to John Boyd."
- Belgravia Dispatch - Detainee abuse redux: "Its continued existence continues to sap domestic support for the war, provides inadvertent aid and comfort to both the enemy and the US anti-war movement, and makes it difficult to curb the rise of anti-Americanism among the general populace our oh-so-superior European allies." By Dan Darling
- Transitional Justice Forum - Rwandans, still struggling: Rwanda's leaders now expect "over 700,000 people-- almost one-tenth of the population-- to be brought before genocide courts."
- Thomas P.M. Barnett - Iran's meager military-market connection: "UN's IAEA votes to refer Iran to the UNSC last month, and Iran's meager stock market drops 30% pronto in the days that follow. Local stock analysts say they've seen nothing like it before, as what Iranian money there is heads to Dubai, which just opened up its markets to foreign investors."
- WaPo - Welcome to the Occupation: "How could the strongest power in modern history, going to war against a much lesser opponent at a time and place of its own choosing, find itself stuck a few years later, hemorrhaging blood and treasure amid increasing chaos? Americans will be debating the answer for decades, and as they do, they are unlikely to find a better guide than George Packer's masterful new The Assassins' Gate."
That's it for the time being. Now it's off to school and the wonders of Arabic at 10 AM.
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